
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Silent Change



Change can enter our lives silently, and this change can be just as important as change we have worked hard for

We all see things about ourselves, our relationships, and our world that we want to change. Often, this desire leads us to take action toward inner work that we need to do or toward some external goal.


In this vivid tapestry of life, it’s easy to focus on a single aspect that’s currently your priority. Whether it’s graduating from college, starting your own business, expanding your family, or finding yourself in situations such as the current one that has changed how we live. It’s easy to get lost in the turmoil of the pandemic, the grim numbers, and the unknown prognosis.

Truth be told, every single one of those interests and decisions is important and can have a major impact on the course of your life, but so many of us abandon our essential self-care practices while pursuing other valuable goals. Or, in this case, when we worry and stress excessively without actively tending to our needs and wellbeing. We often forget that by neglecting our health, we make it much more difficult to focus, have the energy, and reach all of our other aspirations, especially when we need it most.


Physicians, nurses, counselors, social workers, there are many different helping professions — and all of them are exhausting. Physical strain, frazzled emotions, and mental stress all work together to drag these helpers down as they spend countless hours on the front lines.

If you’re a helping professional, it’s important that you make an effort to decompress from time to time. Whether you’re taking a small break during a shift, a few hours to unwind after a lengthy workday, or a long chunk of R&R, here are some suggestions to help guide you through the unwinding process as you decompress from work.

                                     Define Your Own Work-Life Balance

The first thing to do if you’re struggling to decompress on a regular basis is take a moment to define what healthy work-life balance looks like for your particular situation.

5 Things That Are Seriously Messing With Your Gut — And What You Can Do

Ten years ago, the word "gut" was hardly trendy, and no one was talking about probiotics—except for maybe that guy at the health food store who was fermenting his own sauerkraut in a Mason jar. But now, you can't go more than a day without hearing about a gut-healing protocol, fancy new probiotic drink, or a study on how the state of the microbiome seems to influence everything from digestion to mental health to immunity.

1. Diet

There's no question that modern, processed diets are bad for the gut. Due to the vast majority of farming subsidies going to producers of corn, wheat, and soy, prices for the foods containing these crops (many of which are high in sugar and refined carbohydrates and low in meaningful vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, and fiber) have dropped—making them cheap and readily accessible for consumers. 


Camera phones and 24/7 news coverage have made us really bad at processing big, emotional events in helpful ways. Here's how I do it.

It might seem impossible to make sense of a nation-wide racial revolt being dropped into the middle of a pandemic in a country that’s already seething with bitter cultural divides, but let’s try anyway.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to get political here. Instead, I’d like to use this as an opportunity to walk you through how I go about processing extremely emotional and upsetting public events such as this. I think this is important because right now, due to social media and camera phones and 24/7 news coverage, as a society we’ve become bad at processing these events in a helpful way. I’ve had to kind of teach myself to go about reading about these things in a more objective manner and it’s not easy. So, I figured I’d break down my process here.

  • There is little evil in the world, but lots of stupidity and selfishness – With the exception of truly heinous shit, most people are not motivated by evil intentions. In fact, it’s usually the opposite — most people do awful things with the best of intentions. Therefore, we should not assume people’s intentions to be evil, but rather try to understand why they believe what they are doing is good. 
  • Everyone suffers. The question is, for what reason are they suffering? – It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that nobody should ever be insulted, attacked, hurt, threatened, etc. Not only is this unrealistic, but if we are going to stand up to dangerous groups, individuals or ideas, we have to be willing to sacrifice. Therefore, the question isn’t whether people should suffer or not, rather it’s a question of whether they are suffering for a good reason.


Right now, we have two large, complex systems. The first is a virus sweeping through the global population and our combined efforts to mitigate it. The second is a declining global economy. Both systems are incredibly difficult to measure and understand, much less predict. Both are so large and unruly that we struggle to even comprehend them in their entirety. And so far, pretty much everything we’ve thought about either has been utterly wrong.

Let’s start with the first system: the spread of the virus. Despite months of research and testing, we still know very, very little. For example, we know that the virus is highly contagious, but we still have no clue how contagious. Studies pin its R0 number (how many people each sick person goes on to infect) as high as 6.6 and as low as 1.4. For reference, that’s like saying the virus will infect anywhere from 20% of the population to 80%, a range so broad that you might as well pick a number out of a hat.

तुरंत आवश्यकता है

(1) एक इलेक्ट्रिशियन*: जो ऐसे दो व्यक्तियों के बीच कनेक्शन कर सके जिनकी आपस में बातचीत बन्द है। (2) एक ऑप्टिशियन*: जो लोगों की दृष्टि के साथ दृष्टिकोण में भी सुधार कर सके। (3) एक चित्रकार*: जो हर व्यक्ति के चेहरे पर मुस्कान की रेखा खींच सके। (4) एक राज मिस्त्री*: जो दो पड़ोसियों के बीच पुल बनाने में सक्षम हो।
(5) एक माली*: जो अच्छे विचारों का रोपण करना जानता हो। (6) एक प्लम्बर*: जो टूटे हुए रिश्तों को जोड़ सके। (7) एक वैज्ञानिक*: जो दो व्यक्तियों के बीच ईगो का इलाज खोज सके। और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण: (8) एक शिक्षक*: जो एक दूसरे के साथ विचारों का सही आदान प्रदान करना सिखा सके।

आज इन सभी व्यक्ति की समाज को अत्यन्त आवश्यकता है।

किसी को मिलें तो बताना जरुर।